
Bowen for Back injuries

Bowen Technique is a Fantastic gentle remedy for Back problems – ..I’ve had great results for Lower and Upper back issues; bulging discs, sciatica and tight muscle trains in the back

When I injured my lower back with a slipped disc I tried all modalities possible to try find some relief (as you do)… nothing was really helping .. In the end I tried “Bowen Therapy”.. personally I had never heard of it before.
After an incredibly soft tissue treatment- I fell asleep for 16hours. I awoke finally a painfree day; I was over the moon; the first time in months.
Bowen Technique requires typically 2-4 consistent treatments to help the fascia/muscles /nerves to balance and repair them to hold in the correct position with fresh Energy ( Chi / Prana).
I returned for each treatment with excitement, each time excellent different results. The next one was Energizing and refreshed flexibility. The pain was disappearing each time. I am proof that Bowen repaired my back , and was improving my sleep and Energizing in other ways.

To compliment your Bowen Treatments we strongly Encourage Hydration,, loads of Water to flush the painful inflammatory toxins out of the Lymphatics, and to assist with the best results, and rehabilitate nourish the Fascia/muscles/tendons/nerves within

Bowen treats the whole body because the fascia is all connected up like a huge pulley system

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