
Bowen technique explained

Bowen Soft tissue therapy is a holistic gently healing modality that treats the Whole body. It Relieves acute and chronic pain and imbalances.

Gentle moves are made over the body with light finger tip pressure at specific points, this causes an Immediate relaxation of the muscle, tendons, nerves, release of painful spasms and increase blood flow and lymph to healing to occur.

Bowen balances the Nervous System helping to shift out of Fight and Flight modes and into a more relaxed Peaceful Calmed Happier state. The restorative Bowen sessions help release emotional tension, anxiety, endless worrying thoughts, depression and nerves. Everyone I have ever treated has said they felt immediately easier to sleep, lighter in their mind, more relaxed, focused, energized and happier. Healing can only occur when you are in a relaxed, safe, peaceful’ content vibe’ which is the state of being in “Bowen”.

After the light specific movements are made over the skin you may hear me leave the room/ step away from the tables- this is normally for approximately 2 minutes- this allows your body to reset and begin repair/ healing/balancing out after each sequence totally relaxed

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